
A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 101

Guess what day it is…


From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 355 & 356 – 4/23/2021 – 355. Valhalla! The Immigrant song part one. 356. 4/23/2021 – Valhalla! The Immigrant song part two.

I’m coming

CAPUZZLE – 355. – – –  ()  – – – – –

CAPUZZLE – 356. – –   ()   – – – –

Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…

#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews

Perhaps the greatest mind screw of all. Convince billions they are trapped on a spinning jail cell shooting through vastness. Taught to ignore senses, trust the pretend science.

From More MAGAscenes:

They said that you are on a spinning ball rotating once every 24 hours, the balls circumference is 40 thousand kilometers and the surface of the giant ball at the center moves at a speed of one thousand miles per hour. The spinning ball magically orbits the Sun (93 million miles away) at an average speed of 67 thousand miles per hour, 18.5 miles per second. And then orbiting the center of the “Milky Way” at 140 miles per second. And then the “Milky Way” is part of a “cluster” of galaxies, moving toward the center of the “cluster” at 25 miles per second.

They said that in the late 1960’s and 1970’s people walked on the moon. They can’t do it now because they don’t have the sophisticated equipment to rebuild the high-tech rocket of the 1960’s. It carried three men, a dune buggy, golf clubs and everything else needed for the excursion. They rode a buggy, played golf and called the White House from a land line from “239 thousand miles” away.

They don’t advertise the ANTARCTIC TREATY, a treaty signed originally by 12 parties/countries in 1959 and put into force in 1961. As of recent, there are 56 signed parties/countries. Antarctica is the only continent without a native human population. The treaty deems the continent a scientific preserve, which ensures exploration is not permitted. The borders are completely closed. Antarctica is defined as all the land and ice shelves south of 60°S latitude.

They don’t advertise or recommend anyone explore Antarctica or research Project High Jump or Project Fishbowl.

They don’t advertise that the United Nations and the World Health Organization flags contain the real-world map.

Continued in MAGAscenes – More MAGAscenes

fitz & the holy ghost writer

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