MAGAzine For Every Patriot’s Coffee Table
Every Picture Tells A Story
- Book SUmmary -

I. Magascenes: Magazine for Every Patriot’s Coffee Table Every Picture Tells a Story
From the author of SNIERDF, Exchanging Pleasantries, Remembering Olsen, Not So Imaginary Friend, ferf’s shorts, Santa’s Bailout, and Anxiety Stricken, comes MAGAscenes, for every patriots coffee table. A collection of comics, paintings, sketches relating to the current upside down world…
II. Mago Movement
From the author of MAGAscenes, and numerous screenplays, comes MAGO-Movement. It is an adventure designed for your little Patriots. Of course parents should review materials prior to youngsters exploring. It’s too bad the school system doesn’t express the importance of such…
III. More Magascenes
From the author of MAGAscenes, MAGO Movement and numerous screenplays comes More MAGAscenes, “Back to the Drawing Board”, another MAGAzine for Every Patriot’s Coffee Table – Every Picture Tells a Story. Created through the eyes of a Patriot on the Right Side of History,…