A cartoon a day keeps insanity away – 80

Tuesday, the evening of WITH AWE… (on New Years break – check out the New Years celebration on Patriots Helping Patriots Rumble channel)
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 273. 2/20/2021 – HIGHWAY TO HELL!!!
CAPUZZLE – no puzzle
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews #capuzzle
A match made in HELL!
Two absolute morons paired up to destroy anything logical? Or, maybe put in place to accept the blame for the destruction of anything and everything logical?
It makes much more sense that two idiots like this are just the puppets pretending to be brain dead. Nobody could actually screw things up as bad without it being intentional. In that case, they would have to be evil. Only extremely horrible people could carry out such a long list of criminal acts for money. Or maybe they are under threat? Perhaps a promise of something so horrific they feel they have to obey? But wouldn’t someone with any morals remove themselves from the earth if that was the case?
Ruling out it being a movie or a show, it’s down to either extremely stupid, extremely evil & greedy, or threatened and afraid? Logical deduction has to go with extremely evil & greedy.
Even if you attempt to make excuses for them, they don’t stick!
Accepted a job criminally and illegally. Driving everyone down a highway to HELL. Dark, evil pasts to prepare for a darker, more evil future. Make no mistake, the gates of HELL are wide open and Satan’s Demons are going out of their way to expose themselves. Just look around.
fitz & the holy ghost writer

fz smiles – Guide a friend from dark to light

Posted by f ziamond
Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Podcaster, Patriot The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)