
ThisVerseFitz 3 – Romans 1 – 6, 13, 16

by f ziamond | Jan 18, 2025

#ThisVerseFitz relating to modern time and modern concerns: On this third Sunday of 2025, January 19, we enter Romans! Once again a writing from Paul, and once again, only an apostle could be known by just a first name. Even a common name such as Paul.

There are many similarities between this letter and last weeks letter to the Corinthians. On our third week of this journey, we would like to thank the many who have jumped on board with us. The feedback has been truly amazing and the views of others have helped build our interpretations of the word. And we are so happy to hear all of the feedback on the PUZZLE’s! And those sharing in church! Thank you to those who assisted in some of the difficult areas to cover. There are a few here in Romans such as “circumcision” and “taxes” where we leaned on others. It sounds comical to highlight those two topics together. Maybe a good book title.

Roman’s is quite the powerful book, a profound exploration of grace, faith and God’s righteousness. Paul lays out the blueprint for salvation, the role of “law” and justification through faith in Christ.

Right out of the gate, in Romans 1, Paul expresses his true feelings of those that are not on the side of good. He lists their faults beginning in 1:18 and addresses through 1:32. 

Romans 1:18 – “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” Romans 1:25 – “because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator.”

From 26 to 32 he goes into detail about women being with women and men being with men while emphasizing how ungodly, evil, disgusting, stupid, foolish and horrific these evil creatures became.  It is not far off from how we list the faults of the same evil monsters we see in modern times in our cartoons. We are becoming the church of brutal honesty. Many back away from showing the pure evil these monsters have been up to over the years. Yes – Jesus says to forgive people. But does he expect us to forgive DEMONS?

On the subject of modern times, we can skip to Romans 13 where it speaks about leaders & taxes. Romans 13:1 says “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those who exist have been instituted by God.”

We bring this up since we’ve said in our first article, “you can’t cherry pick what you want to receive from the Bible.” We are aware that there have not been leaders in recent years and the pretend leaders are far worse than the evil mentioned by Paul above in Romans 1. We’re also well aware that all taxes have been misappropriated. With that said, maybe Paul was speaking of a more sensible time in the past or maybe there will be a more sensible time in the future. He says the leaders are chosen by God and taxes should be paid. We can only pray that this will be our future. Until then, we would not know how to apply this chapter in modern time. It may relate to “the wealth of the wicked being stored up for the righteous.” (Thank you Justin & Paul)

We can back up to Romans 2 – 4 where the term “Circumcised” is used numerous times. Many relate it strictly to the physical procedure, however, it is deeply tied to covenant, obedience and heart transformation. It is meant as more of a spiritual awareness and mentioned throughout scripture other than Romans. Romans’ most applicable verse would be Romans 2:29 – “But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter.”

Romans 4 is where Paul relates this to Abraham, who is introduced in Genesis and mentioned throughout scripture. God called Abraham to leave his home in Mesopotamia and establish a new nation in Canaan. We will go through that story in detail in a future article entry. In Romans 4:13, it states “For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through righteousness of faith.” This enforces the sentiment that no “government” has the power of God. 

Romans 6 reminds us that when we were baptized into Jesus Christ, we were baptized into his death. We were buried with him and resurrected with him. We walk in newness of life. Romans 6:5 – 7 – “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.”

Romans 1 – 4

Romans 1 – 4

Romans 6

Romans 13

Romans 16 – Names in the God search in words

These cartoons (# 876 9/18/2022) are related to Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel…” And a sermon by Pastor Aaron Burke of Radiant church from 9/11/2022 which was at the beginning of our faith journey and a 12 week series on Romans. Last week we mentioned the story of Paul vs. Saul and this is the sermon that helped stir up those memories from “Religious instruction/ Saturday – Sunday school / Catechism” – It appears next week will focus even more on Saul and Paul. 



This “Print N Play” search comes from Romans 16 where Paul lists the greeters in closing. Each name can be found in the search.

“God Search in Words” works exactly as a normal “Word Search” with a somewhat higher level of difficulty given the Biblical terms. Once all the words are found, the leftover letters repeat a phrase 5.12 times (meaning the phrase is present 5 times and 12 letters of the phrase are left over).

God Search in Words – Print N Play

God search in words – ThisVerseFitz

Print N Play, Have some fun and Read your scriptures… For the ultimate Bible experience, visit New Wine: NEW WINE – from our PHP family, Justin & Wendy Leoni. They can also be found on the Patriots Helping Patriots rumble channel on their hit show “Under The Oak Tree”! FZIAMOND.COM:

Take a look at “ThisShirtFitz” – Click for Details:
