
ThisVerseFitz 1 – Second Kings 9 – 10

by f ziamond | Jan 4, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome back – We completed 2024 with “A Cartoon A Day Keeps Insanity Away” cartoons for 366 consecutive days. They are archived on the FZIAMOND.COM Home link at the bottom.

Now we begin our new Sunday Bible series – #ThisVerseFitz

This first entry “Fitz” with its relation to modern times:

On this first Sunday of 2025, January 5, we find ourselves in the Old Testament, deep inside the book of Second Kings. Why choose this as the starting point? Why not the first Book of the Bible, or at least, the First Book of Kings? Good questions. We don’t have an answer yet, except, that was the page we opened to (2 KINGS 13 to be exact) and it is one of the more difficult books to endure. Maybe we were directed here to address the old adage, “You can’t ’cherry pick’ what you want to receive from the Bible.” One of the most gruesome examples of this would have to be 2 Kings 6: 28-29 (2 below).

If this simpleton was to give one word, besides Kings, to summarize the book, the word would be WAR. Each chapter explains fights, turmoil, murders, killings, violence and wars. This is the reason for the “difficult to endure” comment. Whether justified or not, there were brutal battles and struggles. The types of wars seem more barbaric than the wars of today, however, the sentiment of war, ongoing, endless fighting remains the same. Some may argue that those barbaric tactics are needed once again.

If the wars are strictly good vs evil, that could be considered justifiable. These spiritual battles remain today as well. Two consecutive chapters in the book point out such battles versus evil – Second Kings 9 – when “Jehu Executes Jezebel” and Second Kings 10 – when “Jehu Strikes Down the Prophets of Baal” (1 below).

These Biblical characters names are echoed today as we’ve seen “Jezebel” and “Baal” played out in recent years. Immoral Prostitutes and Demonic Deceivers are still adored, idolized and flaunted over by the wicked to this very day.


2nd Kings 9 – 10


2nd Kings 6: 28-29

“God Search in Words” works exactly as a normal “Word Search” with a somewhat higher level of difficulty given the Biblical terms. Once all the words are found, the leftover letters repeat a phrase 11.8 times (meaning the phrase is present 11 times and 8 letters of the phrase are left over).

God Search in Words – Print N Play

Print N Play, Have some fun and Read your scriptures…


For the ultimate Bible experience, visit New Wine: NEW WINE – from our PHP family, Justin & Wendy Leoni. They can also be found on the Patriots Helping Patriots rumble channel on their hit show “Under The Oak Tree”!


