by f ziamond | Sep 15, 2024
Praise God – Sunday Funday!!!
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 1,005. 3/24/2023 – Judas of the radio – “F your freedom!” Sense is no longer common.
CAPUZZLE # 1,005. – D – I – () – – – () – – R – () T – – – – – –
DoubleCAPUZZLE 1,4,5,5,7,11,11
Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – God Bless America! #PHPnews #TCD #ArtTickles #BlogToons #YourNews @RealYourNews
Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:
Yesterday’s Double CAPUZZLE Answer:
Common sense is FAR from common!
Similarly, to Spring-Stain – radio Judas, Coward Stern, douche of darkness, had north eastern America believing he was a supporter of the working class. That was quickly debunked when the crock-jock bent over for hollyweird, showed his true colors and abandoned his fans in order to spend more time with heathens and underage girls. No wonder his wife got far away from him. There has not been many soul selling deals quite as obvious as this one, especially when he became a supporter of “Satan’s Grandmother of Death”, Hildabeast! And not long after that, the support of brain dead, dementia ridden Brandon. He actually praised the moron on his failed show. Many years ago, that dunce would have sat between “Gary the Retard” and “Beetlejuice” for a contest. This is the same side show freak who became extra close to Kimmel (another POS loser) and screamed “F**K your freedom!” to true Americans!
How about a real patriot instead. Trump Force 1 tomorrow!
fitz & the holy ghost writer
On the MAGA Scene
It has zero to do with politics! It is GOOD vs. EVIL!