
A cartoon a day keeps insanity away – 23

Tuesday, the evening of WITH AWE…

From the archives, #CAPUZZLE 117 – 10/27/2020 – Ms. Forte has come a long way – We all supported her in her run for office! But you can bet they stole that one too! We were behind her when she was known as Tina 40 (prior to us getting the boot from “twit-ler”) … Go Tina!!!

NYC Tina!!!

TruthSocial 117

#CAPUZZLE 117.  – – T – – – T  () T – – –

Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…

#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews #capuzzle

Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:


fz smiles - hold a door for someone today

Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome

Posted by f ziamond

Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Podcaster, Patriot The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)

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