
A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 291

by f ziamond | Jul 31, 2024

Thursday, let’s start the weekend early!!!

From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 943. 12/22/2022 – How does Hitler tie his boots?

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 943

How does Hitler tie his boots?

CAPUZZLE – 943. – H –  ()  – – E – – – –  ()  – – L L

DoubleCAPUZZLE 1,7,7,8,10

Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…

#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – God Bless America! #PHPnews #TCD #ArtTickles #BlogToons #YourNews @realYourNews

Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:


Yesterday’s Double CAPUZZLE Answer:


Hitler’s reign. Some say it didn’t happen the way the “history books” portray it. Whether it did or didn’t, these monsters are following the same exact steps that their friend Hitler took.

Whether it’s Green new bullshit, Fraudci / Gates needles of death, beatings for not wearing a submissive face diaper, lock downs, illegally held prisoners from January 6, their scumtifa as the current day brown shirts, or any of their thousands of communist plans, it’s time for these sons of bitches to be held accountable!

The domestic scum in America Following instructions from the dirty, disgusting leaders of the deep state mob aren’t the only ones in Hitler’s shadow, tomorrow we’ll touch on some of the foreign scumbags like Satan Klaus & co.

fitz & the holy ghost writer

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 525

fourth Reich

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 870

A pedo Hitler

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 781

The handshake

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 723


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Nazi Youth Police Demons

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 711


TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 542

Adolf’s plungers

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Australian Nazis

On the MAGA Scene


fz smiles – compliment a stranger today



Everything fitz – – – Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome


It has zero to do with politics! It is GOOD vs. EVIL!

A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 291