
A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 326

by f ziamond | Sep 5, 2024

Thursday, let’s start the weekend early!!!

From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 991. 2/16/2023 – Spread the L.O.V.E (Lies Of Vaccine EnFORCEment) – UnConstitutional

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 991

Forced Penetration

CAPUZZLE # 991. – A – ()  – – – – R – E – – N –  ()  – – T – – –

DoubleCAPUZZLE  4,6,7,8,9,15

Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…

#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – God Bless America! #PHPnews #TCD #ArtTickles #BlogToons #YourNews @RealYourNews

Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:


Yesterday’s Double CAPUZZLE Answer:


Imagine something that will supposedly help you being forced into your body? Something they will give to you for free and hand over prizes if you allow the vax rape? Something so important that the ones forcing it created a virus to coerce you into shoving it into your system? Something so wonderful they would lock you down until you submitted to their orders? Muzzled you with a face diaper until you became compliant? Removed the constitution for? Took away your rights for? Killed the elders of your family in nursing homes for? Murders and attempted murders on ventilators? Threatened, beat up, shamed, slandered, canceled, banned the ones speaking the truth about it?

Imagine all this for something they pretended would save your life. Meanwhile, they rape your bank account when they trick you into their methods of prolonging your life when you have diabetes, cancer, lupus and any other disease that they can profit big off of instead of curing.

These are the same monsters illegally installing governments based on their creation of the plandemics and clot shot solutions. Some mind manipulated MK ultra zombies still applaud this brutality and will line up for their ultra moronic monkey pox secret semen serum.

Maybe get some leadership to do something about it? Tomorrow?

fitz & the holy ghost writer

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 1,009

Surveillance under the skin

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 961


TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 530

Free bullshit

TruthSocial CAPUZZLE 809

Monkey pox – secret semen serum



On the MAGA Scene


fz smiles – compliment a stranger today

It has zero to do with politics! It is GOOD vs. EVIL!

Everything fitz – – – Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome

