by f ziamond | Jul 5, 2024

Welcome to the weekend!!!
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 897. 10/20/2022 – Collage of notes.
Merged Madness
CAPUZZLE – 897. – L – () – I – – E S
Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – God Bless America! #PHPnews #TCD #ArtTickles #BlogToons #YourNews @YourNews
Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:
We’ve been under Con-Troll for decades or even centuries. Utter control. You were muzzled in order to cut off oxygen to the brain. They needed you stupid, weak and afraid. Coveed maskerettes for masked smokers could have been a business venture for the ages. Someone had to say how insane – 6-foot safe, 5-foot danger really was! Nice job Jim! Comedy & Tragedy!
Get some use out of Gitmo, make it great again. Build it back better with gallows and electric chairs. Piglosi the swatter! Publicizing patriot’s locations, creating a January 6 scam of all scams. She should be swatted like a fly on the wall. A Vile Pig, VP? What a A WHOREable choice for borderless czar.
Ask the 8 ball… Fact hackers and their stolen Pulitzers, do they return to sender? Did they inform Crappy-Dick to kneel at church and stand for the flag?
fitz & the holy ghost writer
Comedy & tragedy
On the MAGA Scene
fz smiles – fist bump a stranger for no reason
Everything fitz – – – Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome
Coming soon MEGA MAGAscenes
A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 265