by f ziamond | Jun 14, 2024

Happy Friday Patriots!!!
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 866. 8/31/2022 – The mansions from MAGO-Movement – fun with Van Gogh.
Van Gogh away Piglosi
CAPUZZLE 866 – No puzzle
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – God Bless America! #PHPnews #TCD #ArtTickles #BlogToons #ShitTalkinMushrooms
Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:
In MAGO Movement, the Peloss Mansions of Despair were at the nucleus of evilness!
The Army Ants found the secret files which explained the gangster’s future hidden plans. They were planning to have all of the villagers, Normies, Army Ants and even lower level Scamtifa, build and pay for the Peloss Mansions of Despair.
They were the plans and designs of their “One Kind System”. They called it OKS to make it sound okay. The Peloss Mansions of Despair would be built on the outskirts of smoggy Fasciston DeCeit.
fitz & the holy ghost writer
Peloss Mansions of Despair:

Peloss Mansions of Despair
Scream piglosi
MAGO Movement
MAGO Movement
MAGO Movement
On the MAGA Scene
fz smiles – let them know their energy is positive
Everything fitz – – – Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome
Coming soon MEGA MAGAscenes
A Cartoon a Day Keeps Insanity Away – 243