
A cartoon a day keeps insanity away – 90

Welcome to the weekend!!!

From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 306. 3/11/2021 – We think, therefore, we are there!

CAPUZZLE – 306 – PRECIPICE – No puzzle

#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews #capuzzle


Fake news, lies, lies, more lies, election fraud, gender insanity, pedophiles, girls sports, TV, movies, BS awards, cancel culture, indoctrination college camps, commie agenda, criminals running free, rape, murder, looting, burning, destruction, dementia ridden Hitler, cess pool briefings, press o piss, useless government, pathetic candidates, economic disasters, open borders, praising terrorists, muzzled children, mutilated children, trafficked children, bio weapons, poison food, man-made illnesses, population control, Ukraine laundering, cash wars, direct energy weapons, segregation, division, CRT – critical racist trash, hate, surveillance under the skin, World Economic Forum, tax-theft, false idols, Hollywood demons, projecting their crimes, distractions, deep state school shootings, wrongful imprisonment of patriots…

Did you reach a precipice? Whether it’s one of their orchestrated plans or all of their demonic orchestrated plans, you’ve most likely reached the precipice, and most likely a while ago. What can be done? Where’s the “Press if pissed” button? From Dark to LIGHT, great awakening moment? How do you go about that old life of just doing your own thing? Raising a healthy family, Church, Faith, Prayer, Peace, Love, creativity, hobbies, exercise, fun times, life…

It has all been taken away / stolen, or attempted to be, just like your future and savings, by globalists, Godless Tyrants, Terrorist Organizations, lobbyists, fake Installed governments, doctor impersonators, war mongers, pedophiles, dark money, AI, deep state puppets of the Cabal. Besides that, they’re doing a fabulous job…

fitz & the holy ghost writer

Posted by f ziamond

Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Podcaster, Patriot The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)

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