A cartoon a day keeps insanity away – 86

Tuesday, the evening of WITH AWE… Special guest Brooklyn Patriot!
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 285. 3/1/2021 – ISAIAH 5:20 The FREDO Family
CAPUZZLE – 285 – No puzzle
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews #capuzzle
Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:
Emmy awards
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil. That put darkness for light and light for darkness. That put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
As mentioned yesterday, cancel culture is in full swing. The truth is banned in most places. We are like cavemen drawing on walls trying to carve a message for future generations. Then they tear the wall down.
One of the most bizarre things of all has to be the Emmy award. One of the states that handled the scamdemic the absolute worst was New York. These assholes along with California refused to use hospital ships (Mercy & Comfort) provided by the only person that attempted to help the people of the world. They pushed sick, elderly grandparents into nursing homes to increase their death numbers. They also forbid families from seeing their family in hospitals. They counted car accident deaths as Kung flu deaths. They changed normal flu numbers to Kung flu numbers. These are the lowest of low creatures. They gave at least one of these pieces of shit an Emmy award. Yes, you read that correctly. An Emmy award for destroying a state and causing an immense amount of unnecessary suffering and death.
Giving an award for completely screwing something up would be considered calling evil good and good evil.
fitz & the holy ghost writer

Never forget, TRUMP WON 2016, 2020 and TheBestIsYetToCome

fz smiles – hold a door for someone today

Posted by f ziamond
Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Podcaster, Patriot The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)