A cartoon a day keeps insanity away – 41

Welcome to the weekend!!!
From the archives, #CAPUZZLE 154 11/21/2020 – Only in an insane asylum where the inmates run the show would you need a lawyer for saving lives. Kyle Rittenhouse is a Greatriot.
#CAPUZZLE 154. H – () – A – () – – – – () – – V E –
Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews #capuzzle
Yesterday’s CAPUZZLE Answer:
In August of 2020 while the corrupt law enforcement and inane, fake government assisted criminals, looters and murderers in destroying a country, one brave young man stepped up to protect law and order in Kenosha Wisconsin. Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by criminal pedophiles and forced to save his own life in self defense against these atrocious monsters. Every crooked politician in the dirty swamp of Washington DeCeit defended the criminal pedophiles instead of Kyle. All of these crooked politicians later arranged a riot scheme using the same types of criminals on January 6th 2021 while blaming it on patriots. Instead of asking why these treasonous reptiles hate patriots and America, their Nazi style troops assaulted and caged the lawful citizens. The citizens were unlawfully locked up for standing up for the truth and against the illegal actions of a criminally installed regime who never took an oath of office. These prisoners of war that are still being unlawfully held without committing a crime, and Kyle Rittenhouse deserve a debt of gratitude for standing up against treason and tyranny. Communism continues to wreak havoc in the once free United States.

Posted by f ziamond
Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Podcaster, Patriot The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of yourNEWS. (Note: Articles may not be original content. Reference byline for original source.)