Welcome to the weekend!!!
From the archives, CAPUZZLE – 366. 4/29/2021 – All in the family schemes… a similar painting in the home of the Epstein Island boy.

CAPUZZLE – 366. – – – – – – –
Answer will be posted tomorrow if needed…
#ACartoonADayKeepsInsanityAway – ❤️! God Bless America! #PHPnews
9/11 – No bigger wakeup call!!!
We were there. We wrote a piece on 9/12 before there was any place to post it. And before we knew it was this despicable government behind it. We placed it in More MAGAscenes
To be there:
From brightness to chaos to desolation – Another morning leaving the subway station to begin one more walk up the subdued streets of the Empire State City – Expecting a routine pattern as the second hour of the typical day passes – The sky suddenly fills with office papers – Only confusion takes place as a closer glance reveals a gap in one of the world’s tallest creations filled with smoke, fire and a human-missile – The sight brings awe and tears to many eyes – Too much to handle for most as the only humane decision could be to look away – If not traumatized enough, a second flight of disaster dismantles part two of the creation and maims those inside without a chance to survive – Aside from metal – Hopes, dreams, families, faith, feelings and lives are scorned, burned and destroyed – Frantic onlookers scatter in all directions with only thoughts of their demise in a ball of smoke and pieces of what was their major landmark – What could only take place in a movie or a bad dream has become reality – Some escape, but hardly enough can – The ones that do, soon learn of other demonic acts taking place in the same hour – Left behind are the bravest of heroes to enter the flames of hell with only thoughts of saving their fellow-man – Quietness soon fills the indescribable, unexplainable disaster – All the nation learns that the tears and ashes are not enough to hide the love, bravery and comradery that is shown when a fellow American is in despair. – fz 9/12/2001, prior to knowing the facts.
If they lie to you on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, why would you believe them on Tuesday?
The events were a ruse, a scheme of many aspects. One to force hatred on Muslims and anyone that looked a certain way, another to create an endless war to line the pockets of the Mongers. They succeeded before people eventually began awakening to their evil.
At one time NYC was a place of street smarts. Twenty years after the 9/11 operation, any and all signs of street smarts completely and visibly changed when mind-controlled sheep threatened and fought common sense. They became enraged, just as their puppet masters demanded, towards individuals not wearing muzzles. It really happened.
A false flag doesn’t mean something didn’t occur. Something certainly occurred, however, the reason, the plan and the bad actors are different than what the liars, propagandist and media told you.
Additional cartoons on the subject can be found in the original MAGAscenes – #366 (pg. 41), #795 (pg. 81), #799 (pg. 94).
For expertise on the subject, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Loose Change, Rebekah Roth and Dr. Judy Wood are some of the best.
fitz & the holy ghost writer